Uplifting humanity through love in action

The Real Love Movement is devoted to meeting humanity’s fundamental need for love and belonging by teaching adults and teens an action-based path to REAL relationships.

Explore the 10 Elements of Real Love

The 10 Elements is an action-based spiritual pathway with the power to completely transform your relationships. The Elements are states that we can learn to embody so that our actions flow from Real Love.

Take our free quiz to discover which Element to focus on first. Then use our complimentary workbook to explore more about you and your recommended Element. As you discover more about yourself and practice the Elements, joy and connection will flow in your life

Which Element do you need more of in your life?

“Real Love is divine love. It is the experience of divine connection. Our distorted human construct of what love is reflects and explains the problems we see in the world today.”

- James Holden, founder of the Real Love Movement.

Get guidance and support on your journey.

Book an Individual Guidance session to help you understand concepts as they relate to your unique situation. Or join a monthly group webinar to get encouragement and accountability and troubleshoot any blocks. More info and booking.

  • The results were more than I could ever have hoped for. The program was highly innovative and creative, it was loads of fun and it produced the outcome of having our entire team working together and laughing together.

    Miles S. - Former Corporate Coaching Client

  • James gets the balance between challenge and positive feedback just right. I made significant progress in improving skills and behaviours that had been impacting negatively on my professional performance for years.

    James B. - Coaching Client

  • An amazing leadership experience for my team in Africa, in particular, the coaching and team building activities. It realized all of our expectations and more. James's attention to detail was amazing.

    Creel P. - Leadership Training, Coaching and Team Building client

  • James Holden's method is less conventional...but in essence it's about the same thing: recognising that something human lies beneath.

    Fenella Souter, Sydney Morning Herald